Oh No, There’s Mold On My Soil
You’re minding your gardening when suddenly you notice something forming on the surface of your soil. As you look closer, you discover that it’s a mold !
What Is A Mold?
Well, firstly, seeing mold in your compost is fairly normal. The mold is likely something called saprophytic fungi, an organism which consumes decaying organic matter and believe it or not, it is actually a good thing for your plants and soil. Saprophytic fungi are known as nature’s compost converters and as they break down organic material and change the chemical composition of that material into rich soil.
Why Does My Soil Have Mold?
These can be due to the following factors :
1. Not Enough Air circulation
Mold thrives in poor air circulation conditions. If you’re seeing white mold on your soil, this could mean that there is too little air circulation and molds taking advantage.
2. Not Enough Sunlight
Not allowing your indoor plants to bask in the sun will limit the nutrients made available to these plants through photosynthesis. Insufficient natural light will also encourage dark-and-damp conditions that mold grows in. So ensure there is enough grow light shone from the Kim Gardens planter to avoid mold from forming.
3. Poor Drainage / Over-Watering
The same could be said for poor drainage in your soil. Fungi generate spores which float on any small air current and land nearby. If the environment is not comfortable for them and lacking sufficient moisture, these spores will not propagate and develop into mold.
4. Organic Fertilizers
If you add an organic fertilizer to your soil just before planting or after you’ve already planted, you are increasing the risk of seeing that white mold on the top of your soil.
What Should I Do About the Mold?
Well, once the biomatter is completely decomposed in your soil, that mold will eventually disappear. However, if it bothers you, then fixing the issue is fairly easy.
1. Try repotting and spacing out your plants:
Your plants and soil might be a little claustrophobic in such close quarters. Give them more space and a better chance at soil aeration to decrease anaerobic conditions, and repotting with fresh soil.
2. Give them more sunlight:
Nothing chases mold and mold-producing conditions better than good old fashioned Vitamin D. Make sure it’s getting enough light from the grow light or put your plant closer to a window during peak sunlight hours and let their soil conditions dry out and warm up a bit.
3. Ensure better drainage:
Even if you’re following the proper care instructions for your plant babies, the conditions might still be too wet due to insufficient drainage.
Make sure that your flower pots have holes in the bottom to allow water to seep out and for your plant to collect water as needed throughout the day/week.
4. Mix in organic fertilizer (plant nutrients) with proper ratio:
Are you mixing your plant nutrients correctly? It could be that there is either too high a concentration of fertilizer in one area (like the top of the soil, for example) and that this is inviting mold to grow.
Always make sure to mix the fertilizer in with the soil thoroughly. The ideal ratio is 1liter of water + 5ml Plant Nutrient A + 5ml Plant Nutrient B, before adding into the water tank or replenishing weekly. This will spread out the nutrient particles so that they can feed the bacteria in the soil without giving them too much too soon and inviting a nitrogen or nutrient glut.
5. Take a napkin and wipe it away
Yes, just use a wet paper napkin to collect all visible mold particles and dispose it in a trash or compost bin.
It’s that easy to solve the problem.
So, the next time you see white mold on the top of your garden or potted plant soil, don’t panic. This is just the next step of the natural decomposition process going on in your soil as the organic fertilizer releases its nutrients to the soil and your plant roots.